BABA stock fundamentals - financials


  • accounts Payable 0
  • cash Change 65,974,426,981
  • cash Flow 1,283,005,122
  • cash Flow Financing 1,115,782,587
  • changes In Inventories 0
  • changes In Receivables 0
  • common Stock 2,600,625,000
  • cost Of Revenue 21,746,473,558
  • currency USD
  • current Assets 92,569,477,641
  • current Cash 65,974,426,981
  • current Debt 1,281,694,428
  • current Long Term Debt 1,281,694,428
  • depreciation 0
  • ebit 5,342,495,541
  • ebitda 6,144,188,809
  • filing Type 6-K
  • fiscal Date 2022-12-31
  • fiscal Quarter 3
  • fiscal Year 2023
  • goodwill 39,081,604,535
  • gross Profit 14,171,124,541
  • income Tax 553,791,734
  • intangible Assets 8,586,816,275
  • interest Income 224,706,070
  • inventory 0
  • long Term Debt 19,209,179,600
  • long Term Investments 153,237,651,996
  • minority Interest 17,985,038,920
  • net Borrowings --66,648,690,162
  • net Income 6,786,848,169
  • net Income Basic 6,786,848,169
  • net Tangible Assets 89,834,152,398
  • operating Expense 30,445,642,868
  • operating Income 5,471,955,231
  • operating Revenue 35,917,598,099
  • other Assets 16,403,108,188
  • other Current Assets 21,165,137,210
  • other Current Liabilities 54,356,108,365
  • other Income Expense Net 0
  • other Liabilities 5,127,212,628
  • pretax Income 7,185,665,200
  • property Plant Equipment 24,907,000,674
  • receivables 0
  • report Date 2023-02-23
  • research And Development 1,960,161,788
  • retained Earnings 81,699,792,668
  • revenue 35,917,598,099
  • selling General And Admin 5,937,314,253
  • shareholder Equity 138,902,274,566
  • short Term Debt 1,281,694,428
  • short Term Investments 21,165,137,210
  • symbol BABA
  • total Assets 245,807,129,637
  • total Cash 65,974,426,981
  • total Debt 20,490,874,028
  • total Investing Cash Flows --5,548,733,237
  • total Liabilities 106,904,855,071
  • total Revenue 35,917,598,099
  • treasury Stock --321,982,052
  • key BABA
  • subkey quarterly
  • date 2022-12-31
  • updated 2023-03-03